Privacy Policy Please note that this Privacy Policy was last revised on August 29, 2024


LangaApp cares about your data. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share it. This Privacy Policy applies to LangaApp websites, mobile apps, and related services (“Service”). By using the Service, you agree with LangaApp ’s collection, use, and sharing of your personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Certain LangaApp services are subject to additional or different terms.

Information we collect

When you use the Service, LangaApp may collect the following personal information about you.

a. Account Registration: To register for a LangaApp account, you may provide us with your age and email address. In some countries, you may also provide us with your phone number. You may also register for a LangaApp account using certain social logins, such as Google. If you register for LangaApp using a social login, LangaApp may receive information about you from your social login provider, including your email address and contacts.

b. Profile Page & User-Generated Content: After you register for your LangaApp account, a profile page will be created for you (“Profile”). Your Profile will be populated by information you submit, such as your name, username, bio, and avatar or photo (“User-Generated Content”). Your age, phone number, and email address are not included in your public Profile and are not considered User-Generated Content under this Privacy Policy. Other LangaApp users may be able to search for your Profile using your username. Your Profile will also include information about your learning progress, such as the languages you are learning, your learning statistics, games, contests and your achievements. Moreover, your Profile will show a list of your followers and other users you follow. By default, your Profile is public, and visible to other LangaApp users and anyone else on the Internet. In addition, your User-Generated Content may be publicly visible. If your Profile is public, third-party websites or web scrapers may be able to read, collect, and use your public information for their own purposes. However, you can set your Profile to private in your Settings. You may be able to submit comments that will supplement other users’ Profiles and other users may be able to submit comments that will supplement your Profile. Any comments you submit are considered User-Generated Content under this Privacy Policy. You can delete comments you submit or comments that other users submit to your Profile. LangaApp may scan or review any User-Generated Content, to ensure compliance with our Community Guidelines. LangaApp may restrict or delete User-Generated Content if it violates our Community Guidelines or for any other reason.

c. Speaking Challenges: Some featurs such as Speech Practice involve you speaking into the LangaApp app. Your recordings are offline, and are not uploaded to the LangaApp servers or shared with third party vendors.

d. Activity Data: When you use the Service, we may generate data about your use of the Service, which may include your browser and device data, log data, and IP address. We will also generate data regarding your engagement in educational activities on the Service.

e. Cookies: When you access the LangaApp website, we store certain data from your browser using cookies. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to data about the user. We use session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in.

How We Process Your Information

LangaApp may process your personal information according to the following legal bases: to provide products or services you request, to promote LangaApp’s legitimate interests, to comply with legal obligations, and with your consent. In particular, LangaApp may process your personal information in the following ways:

a. Providing and improving the Service: LangaApp will process your personal information to provide and improve the Service. For example, we will use the information you provide to maintain your Profile and learning progress, display your Profile to other users (unless you make it private), personalize learning content, detect and fix bugs, perform research, and provide customer service to you. LangaApp may share personal information with third parties that help us provide or improve the Service, including hosting providers such as Firebase Services, and payment processors such as Stripe. LangaApp may also share your information with third-party vendors that support product features such as AI, speech recognition, and content moderation. If you redeem a promotion code to gain a LangaApp subscription, we may share data regarding your usage of LangaApp with the organization that provided the promotion code to you.

b. Communicating with you: LangaApp will use the email address or phone number you provide to send you the following types of messages: Essential messages to support the operation of the Service. Messages to support the LangaApp teaching methodology and reinforce your learning, such as learning tips, reminders to practice, and progress reports. Messages to inform you about contests and their progress reports. Notifications about friend requests and your friends’ progress on LangaApp. Announcements regarding changes to the Service or products. Announcements of new LangaApp products, services, offers, or research opportunities. You may opt-out of receiving non-essential messages in your Settings.

c. Complying with law and preventing harmful activities: LangaApp may process and share personal information if necessary to comply with legal requests, such as subpoenas or court orders. LangaApp may share personal information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to assist law enforcement, or to prevent imminent harm. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents, or government agencies.

d. Anonymous information: LangaApp may process aggregated, de-identified, or otherwise anonymous or anonymized information for any purpose. LangaApp may share such information with third party partners including , App performance analytics providers such as New Relic. Such information is not considered personal information.

Your Data Subject Rights

You also have the following rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you, in addition to any other rights required by applicable law: Delete your LangaApp account by following the instructions in the Service.

Data Retention

LangaApp will generally retain your personal information until your account is deleted. However, LangaApp may retain certain information longer if necessary to provide our Service, defend our legitimate interests or those of third parties, comply with legal requirements, resolve or defend ourselves in disputes, investigate misuse or disruption of the Service, or perform agreements. We may also retain anonymous data indefinitely.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we do this and the changes are material, we will post a notice that we have made changes to this Privacy Policy on the Website for at least seven (7) days before the changes are made, and we will indicate the date these terms were last revised at the bottom of the Privacy Policy. Any revisions to this Privacy Policy will become effective at the end of that seven (7) day period.

Supplemental Terms in Certain Jurisdictions

In some jurisdictions, the Service may be subject to supplemental privacy policies or local laws. For users in those jurisdictions, the applicable supplemental privacy policies and local laws will take precedence over this Privacy Policy to the extent they conflict.

Contact Us

For all data privacy inquiries and any questions or concerns you have about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Last revised on December 23, 2023